We bring
systems thinking into mainstream education.

Our approach

Our world is changing rapidly and in unexpected ways. If we don't change education now, how can we be prepared?

We need to change our mindset and train a new generation of thinkers who are taught the values and skills they need to be capable and confident in solving problems. They should be able to transfer learning across different contexts, a key component of lifelong learning experiences. We want them to think globally, act locally, and change the world.

"Unless we change direction we are likely to end up where we are headed"
- Lao Tzu

Football is a game that unites people, rich or poor. In our sustainability-mindset with design-thinking program, students used their skills to build footballs from waste materials.

Learning to reflect on emotions is an important aspect of learning. These students are working on their emotional journey maps as they learn to work as a team.

Learning empathy in a real-world in context. Through a visit to the animal shelter, kids learn about the needs of different kinds of organisms, and why they cannot survive in the wild anymore.

Our strategy

System Thinking

To learn how to view complex issues holistically, recognising how various elements within a system are interconnected and how changes in one part can affect the whole.

Problem Solving Abilities

Systems thinking is closely tied to problem-solving. Students will learn strategies to address real-world problems, including identifying leverage points and unintended consequences of actions.

Environmental Awareness

Switzerland’s beautiful landscapes and commitment to environmental sustainability provide an ideal backdrop for discussing and understanding environmental issues. Students will develop a greater awarenss of ecological challenges and solutions.

Critical Thinking

Participants will develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating complex systems, identifying underlying causes of issues, and proposing effective solutions.

Transfer learning across different contexts

For example, the interplay of genetic networks has been adapted and applied to create powerful algorithms in computer science. Or the principles of how organisms live can inspire ideas in architecture.

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Our goals

We want to make the world a better place through education.

That’s why we change the way children are taught and what they’re taught. We convey them values like empathy, respect, integrity, equity, kindness, humility, resilience, responsibility. They are supported in understanding who they are, and what their place in the world is.

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