Gaia Impact Workshop Series

In Zurich, Switzerland
About the Gaia Impact Workshops: One-day Impact driven workshops, Switzerland
For teens (13-19)

Join us in Zurich for a transformative event to turn your awareness into action.

Our Mission: Nurture young changemakers to thrive and live in harmony with the world.

Our Inspiration: The Gaia Hypothesis, which posits the Earth and all its systems are inextricably linked, these workshops foster reflection, systems thinking, and leadership skills.

Make The Change's four-part Gaia Impact Workshops:

September 14th ‘24


Inner transformation for future Changemakers

Setting the basis from which we approach all our other learning,  helping us connect to ourselves, and with the world around us.  A collaboration with the TransformAction Lab.

November 9th ‘24


Digital Tools and Well-being: AI and Social Media

A day of interactive learning, to nurture mindful, and responsible digital citizens, equipped to use AI and social media tools critically and safely. A collaboration with Netpathie (Winner of Digital Innovation Award ‘22).

19th ‘25


Sustainable Finance: Managing your

Learn to manage money benefitting both you and the planet. This is a very special session is a collaboration with Cecile Biccari, children's book author of “Your Money and the World: How to Donate, Spend, Save, and Invest Sustainably.”

1st ‘25


Communication for Harmony: Conflict Resolution

Understand roots of conflict, and develop practical strategies to resolve them constructively. Enhance your communication skills to lead from within yourself. With founder of Make The Change, Diya Kanoria.

Make The Change
beautiful green landscape

Single workshop admission
CHF 99.00

Admission for 2 workshops
CHF 180.00

Admission for 3 workshops
CHF 265.00

Admission for all 4 workshops
CHF 350.00
Enquire about workshops here

Further Information

Inner transformation for future Changemakers - September 14th 2024
teamwork activity

Unsure how to build a meaningful  path for yourself? Feel anxious about your future, the World’s future?


This foundational workshop is the cornerstone of the entire Gaia Impact Workshop Series.

Recognising that inner change is essential for external transformation, this workshop is designed to
ignite you to take action, for yourself, and for the world. Together, we will move forward, using our skills, heart, and wisdom to steer you onto a path of action.

In an era defined by the climate crisis, TransformAction Lab embodies
change, action, and the courage to experiment with new ways of living. They support organisations dedicated to the socio-ecological transition in Switzerland. Their mission is to promote climate justice and help create a livable world for future generations.

Digital Tools and Well-being: AI and Social Media - November 9th 2024
teamwork activity

Workshop Details Coming Soon!

Sustainable Finance: Managing your
Money - January 18th 2025
teamwork activity

Workshop Details Coming Soon

Communication for Harmony: Conflict Resolution - March 1st 2025
teamwork activity

Workshop Details

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