Regenerative Learning
In Switzerland
About Regenerative Learning: A systemic approach to amplifying connections, Switzerland
For teachers and school leaders
For corporates
Next workshop: November 16, 2024 (for all educators)

Join us for an exploratory workshop that navigates learning ecosystems, connections and relationships in the classroom and communities.

Make The Change GmbH in partnership with
Maní Ecopedagogy

Together we will navigate between the visible and invisible elements of Learning Ecosystems, the connections and relationships involved in learning and explore different subjects, tools and resources that can help us to integrate and promote awareness, empathy, care, collaboration, creativity and agency to our own classrooms, school communities, and organisations.

What is Regenerative Learning?

Regenerative Learning can be both the foundation and the catalyst for positive impact across different dimensions and fields of life. It cultivates a way of thinking, feeling, and being deeply connected to our own selves, each other and the world around us, promoting a way of learning and living that leads to personal, collective and planetary well-being.

The approach

Regenerative Learning practices support school leaders and teachers on developing a systemic approach to education and becoming more resourceful to create and develop learning experiences, projects and spaces that promote transformative and regenerative education. It helps educators, students and the school community give meaning to content and connect what and how they learn to the challenges and needs of the world they live in, encouraging them in taking an active role in being part of the change they want to see in the world.

The  workshop integrates “Head, Heart and Hands” through a collaborative  methodology, inspired by nature and guided by ecological principles.

It is an invitation to awaken our potential, revitalize and evoke aliveness to our lives and professional practices.

The Workshop Journey

Together we will navigate between the visible and invisible elements of Learning Ecosystems, the connections and relationships involved in learning and explore different subjects, tools and resources that can help us to integrate and promote awareness, empathy, care, collaboration, creativity and agency  to our own classrooms and school community.

Throughout the workshop we:

“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but that makes our life in harmony with all existence”

~ Rabindratnath Tagore

About MANÍ Ecopedagogy

MANÍ Ecopedagogy is a collaborative project co-created and facilitated by Diana Gabriel, an experienced learning facilitator from Brazil that weaves principles and practices from systemic frameworks such as Ecopedagogy, Ecoliteracy, Permaculture, Participatory Leadership and the Work that Reconnects into her pedagogical practice.

The project offers Collaborative Learning Experiences and Learning Design Services inspired by Nature, and it supports people, schools, communities and organizations to cultivate a Regenerative Learning Culture and Practice based on Care, Connection and Collaboration.

Its vision is to create ripples of positive impact through learning that promotes Personal, Collective and Planetary Well-Being.

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